When it is wet outside or when I turn hard my low trac light will come on. It only used to come on when it was icy or snowy. The problem is that after coming on and off for a few times (the low trac light) I will hear a click and my "ABS light" "low trac light" and my "check tire pressure light" all come on and stay on until I turn my car off and back on again. I took a wire brush to my battery terminals (the positive was corroded) and the problem went away for about two months then cam back recently. The battery terminals are fine this time. One more thing is that it feels like my power steering is not working as good when all the lights come on and stay on. The car starts with no trouble, but the lights do seem to dim intermittently (interior and exterior). I also detached the negative battery terminal to reset the computer if I could, and I have a car phone charger that I now leave unplugged when not in use in case that was screwing with my electrical system. Any ideas?