whats wrong with my car????
2008-04-10 22:16:57 UTC
can anyone help me?
i was recently given a 96 n reg 400 2.0i DOHC 16 valve but the bloody thing wont start, i know the previous owner (my uncle) said that it died as he was pulling in to the garage forecourt as he was low on petrol, but the car didnt judder or do anything out of the ordinary it just died.
it will turn over, but i disconnected the fuel line from the filter to the injectors, turned the engine over and no fuel is coming through. could this be a blocked filter or will i have to replace the pump? (which i believe is in the tank, correct me if im wrong) or am i missing something quite easy or a common fault or even a relay?

any help would be greatly appreciated

Six answers:
2008-04-10 22:29:30 UTC
You sound like your on the right track. I would turn the key to on and listen for the hum of the fuel pump first, if you hear it running then I would change the filter. If that still does not bring fuel up then I would change the pump. If you don't hear the pump run when the key is in the "on" position I would check the fuse/relay and go from there.

Good Luck!
2008-04-11 04:11:34 UTC
First by taking the line off between the Pump and the Throttle Body you Introduced air into the System, Take care of this problem later! You have a Pump in the Tank that Primes the Main Pump to help start the Engine, Pump (Primer Pump) in the Tank should come on with the Key in the On Position, if not Fuse or Relay in the Main Fuse/Relay Box at the Battery may be Bad. Power to the Pump but not working, Bad Pump. Fuel Filter is either just Forward of the Tank or in the Right or Left Read Wheel Well. To check the Pump for Pressure install a "Mechanical Gage" In-Line (Not Disconnected) then Crank. Now once you get Fuel Pressure "Loosen!" Fuel Lines at Injectors, Crank (Two People Needed), When you see fuel at the Fittings Tighten them while still cranking the Engine "to Keep Air Out of the System"

NOTE; "Remove the Coil Wire So the Engine Will Not Start" Replace after everything is Tight.
2008-04-10 22:29:16 UTC
Very common failure this, as people have the habit of driving the car extended periods of TIME (not mileage) with the fuel level less than 1/4 tank.

The manufacturer has designed the pump to be in the tank for several reasons, but the main downside is that if the fuel level is low, there isn't enough fuel mass to absorb the heat generated by the pump. If there isn't any mass to dissipate the heat, it will remain in the pump and the pump will ultimately fail.

When you replace the pump, replace also the filter as well asa the strainer sock on the pump.
2008-04-11 00:15:16 UTC
First things first, can you hear the pump trying to run when you switch it on? If so, it's probably fine. Far more likely that some of the crud which is always in the bottom of the tank has been picked up when the fuel level was low and is now blocking things up. Could be blocked filter, could be blocked fuel line, could be blocked "sock" filter in the tank.
2008-04-10 22:25:46 UTC
check your fuel pump fuse and realy,try banging the fuel tank with a mallet while turning the ignition,check for power at the conector on the fuel pump sending unit.
2008-04-10 22:26:28 UTC
I think your uncle has sold you a dud.

Get it straight to a garage & let them give it the once over.

If there is anything seriously wrong with it I would get your uncle to pay to put it right or ask him for your cash back.

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