Not to be a wet blanket here on everybody's enthusiasm to enlarge via drill. Before you go drilling out your extra jets there maybe a problem doing it this way. A drill will leave a spiraling grove that will cause the matter passing through that to swirl. My understanding on the carbs is that this could disrupt the normal flow. Look at the smoothness of the present jet hole and compare it to any drilled hole. How much this would effect overall operation would be anyone guess and would greatly depend on the accuracy of the hole and sharpness of the drill bit among other things. Also, are the jet holes bored or are they drilled? My bet would be towards a mill vise or a drill press.
I am not saying that drilling is wrong but I have heard this from quite a few mechanics that have much more experience in this, than I, reccommend against it for those reasons.
Remember that the size is #50 is .50mm .120 is 1.20mm. etc.
After some measureing I've calculated that you can use the following drill bits to come close to the sizes needed, or actually be bang on with many of them. So here goes. Remember that a jet marked 120 is 1.20mm in size, 135 is 1.35mm etc. Perhaps those who know more accurately can correct me if I'm way out on this, but I think I'm close.
50 #76
55 #74 approx.
60 #73
65 #71 approx.
70 #70
75 #69 approx.
80 #68
85 #66 approx.
90 #65
95 #63
100 #61
105 #59
110 #57
120 3/64th's
130 #55
140 #54 150 #53
160 1/16th's
165 #52 approx.
170 #51
180 #50
185 #49
195 #48
200 #47
205 #46
210 #45
220 #44
225 #43
230 #43 approx (close to 225)
245 #41
250 #40
I reccomend 1size larger at a time.Go by the colour of the plugs after use.possibly two sizes at a time may not be too much. Remember if you go too large you can solder it back in and redrill.