get a cheap test lite,, then with one end of the testlight on the body ground probe the headlight plug, disconnect plug from headlamp first of course,, if test light doesnt lite up then test all fuses in power distribution box in car, also there is sometimes a headlight relay located somewhere in the engine compartment usually attached to the radiator aarea,, if no power to any of that goto the headlight switch and pull it out,, when u test it u will find one wire that always has power, this is power in,, turn the switch on so u have headlights on and test the output of the other terminals,, by turning the switch to the parking lamos u can discern which wires goto the parking lamos and which goto the headlights,, if u r good at reading schemtics goto online and look up your car, goto chassis electrical and look for wiring diagrams, find the lighting wiring diagram and read and understand what the wire color codes r,, this will help u greatly in determining where power is and where it should be,,, hope u can figure it out,, most people hate wiring electrical issues,,,Art