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Price: $17.37 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Image: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21xPLAZfNsL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
Product Features
* Dual precision-tensioned steel springs help create tension memory, applying uniform pressure along the entire blade length
* Aerodynamic wind spoiler creates downforce, preventing blade lift-off
* Exclusive FX dual-rubber-technology flex element resists ozone damage and hardening
* Exclusive weather shield connector system is pre-installed to protect arm connection from snow/ice build-up
* Smooth, quiet operation with 20% longer performance life vs. other premium wiper blades
Product Description
Bosch bracketless wiper blades are designed without brackets or hinges, offering improved design and performance over conventional wiper blades. The award-winning design of Bosch ICON distributes more uniform pressure along the entire length of the blade for ultimate all-season performance that lasts up to 20% longer than other premium wiper blades. The integrated wind spoiler design increases the down force on the wiper blade to prevent lift-off at highway speeds. The bracketless design and enclosed tension springs provide superior wiping performance in all weather conditions. Bosch ICON blades are the best you can buy!