i have spent the last week of my time everynight trying to bleed this clutch and im getting pretty angry. i spent from 1 to 7 pm doing it one day and i still cant get it bleed. i have tried a vacum pump. iv tried letting it just gravity feed overnight. i have tried everything. i found out my rod in my slave cylinder wasnt on my fork and i put it back on adn the clutch worked!. BUT then i wanted to make sure it was bleed good and had my buddy hold down the clutch adn i opened the bleeder vavle and tightened it and then it stopped working. i tried everything again. still nothing. all my mechanic buddys told me they hate bleeding clutches and tell me it is a b@#$h and they no wat im going thru. but im tierd of waiting and spending time on this thing. i have got to get it out of my barn so i can get my other vehicles done. please someone help me im am sick of this.