2008-09-09 05:57:22 UTC
I have a 3 year old son, and a 5 year old daughter. In the past week, my 3 year old has thrown our van into neutral 3 times, and once into drive (I was waiting for him to put his bike away, and someone pulled up behind me, and I stepped out long enough to ask them if they could back up so I could back out and next thing I know, my van is taking off! I held onto the drivers door and ran beside it trying to keep up. My son laughed his little head off as he drove through our front yard-IN A TRAILER COURT-and hit a telephone pole) Hence the need for some sort of gear shift lock.
We have an older van which doesn't require you to push on the brake and shift gears, nor push a button to switch the gears. You simply pull the shifter.
I need to know what I can do! I am at a total loss as to what to do. My son also can get out of his carseat...any ideas there? I have tried duct taping the straps, but that still doesn't work.