new car battery terminals are opposite and the cables don't reach?
shawn c
2013-04-27 18:30:14 UTC
replaced battery in my 1999 Honda accord, new battery terminals are opposite and the cables will not reach now.
Eight answers:
2013-04-28 06:18:50 UTC
you bought the wrong battery,..two batteries can be the same everything..............height...... width.... power ( CCA ) and have the pos. & neg opposite. ends of the batttery........for different cars
2016-11-10 01:15:45 UTC
Car Battery Cable Extension
2013-04-27 18:36:22 UTC
Answered in order of best solution - pick the highest one that works:

Rotate the battery 180 degrees.

Return the battery and get the right one.

Put new cables on the vehicle.

Find mechanical extensions for the battery cables in the car - Least best answer since the connection will always be a weak link.
2016-08-07 07:22:34 UTC
Most cars it's not a tremendous deal to do away with the battery.Take it out if you wish to do a excellent job of it.That approach that you could additionally easy the battery field if one of the corrosion happens to get in there from the cleansing method.Hot water and soda does a top notch job via just pouring it slowly instantly on the corrosion. There should be no more concern if you happen to lubricate the clean terminals with die electrical lubrication after they're absolutely dry. Additionally lubricate the box.
2013-04-27 18:35:16 UTC
buy longer cables or turn the battery around so the post will be closer !
2013-04-27 18:35:11 UTC
You bought the wrong battery, or can you just turn it around?
2013-04-29 07:50:52 UTC
You have the wrong battery../
Dan B
2013-04-27 18:35:56 UTC
My daughter had the same problem. I went to AutoZone (other parts houses also have extenders). They carry an extender to solve that problem.

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