First, the Check Engine light means that there is a fault code stored in the ECM/PCM (computer) memory.
Next, if the fault is removed, the Check Engine light will shut itself off AFTER about 50 engine starts. Otherwise you have to erase the ECM/PCM memory. Then the light will go off, and stay off if there is no further problem. If the problem remains it stores another fault code and the light is back on.
So when the Check Engine light is on, you have to do THREE things. Find and repair the problem(s) AND erase the memory.
There is a problem with AutoZone and other auto parts code readers. The code that they present to you is correct, but they have a big list of of generic interpretations of exactly what the code means.
If you look up code information in a service guide for your exact car, there will only be one reason for each code.
Check whether your city library or nearby junior college library has an online subscription to Alldata. Then look up your exact car for the code info.