I have a 2000 Eclipse with a 3.0 V6 and it runs great but when it idles the engine will start to "tap tap tap tap tap" for a few seconds and stop completely and then after a few more seconds starts to slowly "tap tap tap tap tap" again but from faint to loud then back to nothing again... The process continues over and over. Sometimes it doesn't do it at all... like on a warmer day. The cold seems to be worst. I know it's probably lifters or valves tapping but why does it come and go? Is there some kind of maintenance I can perform that may fix the problem liked a clogged line or something... I always change the oil and filter. I had someone answer and say that it was the lash adjusters from using fram oil filter. I recently changed oil and filter with OEM filter and full synthetic oil... But it still taps.. Almost seems louder but when it stops it purs like a kitten the slowly taps again. It is a weird cycle.. It is probably not a big deal as far as it damaging the engine or anything but it can be loud and it makes my car sound like a hoopty but it's not. If anybody has any suggestions I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!