broken serpentine belt?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
broken serpentine belt?
62 answers:
mdk68gto, ase certified m tech
2008-07-19 23:45:05 UTC
you should be able to install a belt pretty easily. i am curious as to what caused the belt to brake. now would be a good time to look for a pulley that is seized or not turning as easily as it should. just use your hand ans see if all of the pulleys aside from the crank shaft turn with little to no effort.
Double R
2008-07-19 21:25:09 UTC
A 4.0 Grand Cherokee is not the best vehicle to learn to change a serp belt on. Yes you could possibly do it your self but it is tighter than Tom Thumb's behind in there.

The 4.0 is an inline 6 cylinder, therefore it is a long engine and leaves little room between the cooling fans and the pulleys. You will probably sacrifice some skin off your hands attempting to do this. But it is not impossible for a first time mechanic.

Yes you could drive it to the shop in short intervals like you mentioned. The coolant will be stationary since there won't be any movement from the water pump. Your alternator won't be charging either. So try to do this during the daytime.
2008-07-20 19:22:02 UTC
Serpentine belts are very easy......

Save yourself the $$$$.......

Do it yourself and feel good about it.
2008-07-20 16:11:20 UTC
Unlike the people who keep talking about SPRING-LOADED tensioners. I HAVE actually changed belts on Jeeps. Take it to your shop, watch your temp gauge, don't smoke it. This is not a beginner's belt job.
2008-07-20 14:20:53 UTC
The 97 Cherokee 4.0 does NOT have a self adjusting serpentine belt. It is adjusted using the Power steering pump. It is a Pain to change and adjust.. I suggest if you have never changed a belt, have your local shop do it.

You should easily be able to drive to the shop if it is only a mile. The steering will be hard. Turn off all you accessories when you drive there such as A/C and radio. Do not make any stops and if you have to stop at a light. Turn the engine off while you are waiting. Try to time your trip to the time of daylight that will have the least amount of traffic that could slow your time to get there.
2008-07-20 17:57:17 UTC
This calls for a funny story... Several months ago I was on Interstate 90 when my serpentine belt broke. Stuck there the tow truck was not giving us a option I had to pay $130 for a tow or they was going to take my car anyways... I had $30 on me. My husband and I are mechanics so we knew all we needed to to was keep the water pump going to move the car. So we went to the back found 3 walmart bags and tied them tight around the harmonic balancer and the water pump. We made it about 30 miles to the nearest exit. I had felt like I had won that tow man was not taking my car. I don't recommend this it is very dangerous you would over heat but we made it... Where there is a will there is a way...
mister ss
2008-07-20 16:22:21 UTC
if the engine is cold start it up and go immediately, you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever in 1 mile as it takes longer than that for the engine to heat up.
2008-07-20 09:21:50 UTC
if the garage isnt too far, all you will do is run down your battery.
mike d
2008-07-20 07:59:57 UTC
Replacing the serp belt is pretty easy. When buying the belt, ask the parts person if they have access to the routing diagram, although, the diagram may be under your hood already as one of the decals near the top of the radiator. This makes it a no-brainer on how to route the new belt. Absolutely purchase the tool to install the belt. Having the right tool for the right job, ALWAYS makes the job easier.
Richard P
2008-07-20 06:02:50 UTC
the desicion is ultimatly up to you ,but you can relace the belt most of the time when you raise your hood there is a diagram right thereat the front of the radiator ,be prepared you might get a busted knuckle or two but you can fix it should only take around 30 min - 1 hr for a 1st timer . on the whole its and easy fix ,and if your not comfortable doing it get your mechanic to do it ..
Dont Peak
2008-07-20 03:25:49 UTC
you would take a big risk if you try to take it to the service station with out that belt being on. I wouldn't drive a half a block with out the belt. Money may be tight but it will be Worth the tow. Ask one of your neighbors to do it for twenty bucks. It's not really hard to put on.
aaron b
2008-07-20 16:55:56 UTC
I have worked with serpentine belts for a while and they are really easy to work with if you don't mind losing skin on your knuckles. The first part of the job is donesince the old belt is off. I have never messed with the tensioner when putting on a new serpentine belt. I know the mechanics will scream about how it makes the belt wear out faster or it is just too hard on it, but it works. I will run the belt over most of the pulleys, and then leave one part that just needs to be persuaded to jump into place. A big open end box wrench works well for me since it allows you to put pressure on the belt across the entire surface and work it into place. Very frustrating while doing it, but very satisfying when you are done. Good luck.
James S
2008-07-20 14:06:30 UTC
You can put the belt on yourself there is a diagram on the hood or fan shroud. I found a video that explains on how to do the serpentine belt but its a different engine but its the same way of doing it. The only thing that is hard is to keep belt routed around the pulleys and double check to make sure the belt is aligned with the grooves on the pulley when you release the tension pulley. This should not take no more than 30 mins for beginner. Then your set to go.. Thank god they did away with the V-belts those were a PITA.

Make sure your idler and tension pulleys are ok. I seen where they froze up and broke the belt. The way to tell is to spin them by hand they should turn very easy. The only one that should not turn is the crank pulley which is on the very bottom.

Here is a video you can check out.
Tex G
2008-07-20 09:15:22 UTC
If yofu have tools at home. Such as socket set's will drivers. They are all you need to in stall the belt. It should take a 1/2" Racket or barker bar. Get the guide to install the belt. It takes about five minutes to install the belt or less. The routing it the thing you hap to watch. Route it to the tensor and then move the tensor and and put it on. Make sure you get the right belt. For the year and month the vehicle was made

You could d.rive it. but you hap to stop and waite 30 minutes to a hour for to cool down. Even then you can do damage to the engine.
trail rated
2008-07-20 06:31:34 UTC
We drove 15 miles without a serpentine belt! I AM SERIOUS!!! We had a 1990 Jeep Cherokee Laredo with the 4.0L. We have always had problems with the belt on it, so it isn't the first time we drove without a belt. Good god, it overheated like crazy (but since it had 300,000 on the clock, we didn't care), but it still kept driving, the exhaust was gloving red. Anyway, 1 mile is nothing. The steering will only be hard to turn when you are stopped, not when you are moving. And I think you know that those 4.0L are indestructible.
2008-07-20 09:31:44 UTC
Here is the thing. The serp belt drive the power steering pump and power brakes. So you will have hard steering and harder brakes(you REALLY got to push down on the pedal to stop)

2. When the engine is running, it is compaable to turning on the stove element on qute high with a pot of water(coolant) on top. Because the water pump is also driven by the serp belt, no cool water is continually added to that pot. But the pot is continually being heated.

Running the engine is the continual heating. You would want to get there fast.

But you also want to be able to stop there

And steer to get there.

The belt broke. There is a reason the belt broke. Find out the reason before you put on a new belt or you will be driving to the station to put on another real soon. Hopefully your mechanical observational skills are up to it. Other than that, take your time and do it right.

Always remember " some monkey put it on before, so it must fit".
2008-07-20 13:43:17 UTC
your battery can hold 2 miles your altonator and water pump are the only vital things on the serpentine belt you should be able to drive a mile strait at about 30mph [ vital things only, meaning motor and turn signals, because an engine can only run so long w/o an altonator] my dads chevy has gone 1.5 miles in dallas traffic w/o a serpentine belt and made it to a service station (ps if your engine temp hits 250 kill your engine) no dammage so long as under 250 degrees - be careful blow up is 265
Country Boy
2008-07-20 08:40:03 UTC
You'd better plan on buying the belt from Advance auto or any auto parts store along with a serpentine belt tensioner tool. Reason being the belt turns the water pump. If you drove a cold motor a under 3 miles very slowly without a belt you'd be fine. Anything over that the coolant would boil inside the motor. Radiators have very limited capacity nowadays and sense you'd have no coolant circulation the temp. would shoot up very quickly.
2008-07-20 00:05:11 UTC
One mile seems far to some people and seems very close to others. It only takes 3 minutes for the experts to run it. My point is you can chance it and may be you'll get there without no problems. Heck! you can even chance it half way and may be you'll damage it. The other way is to have someone help you push it, unless of course it's on a hill. Yes it's a little different pushing something that ways a ton. But your tight on money and besides it'll work. You'll saved on the towing and you'll have a professional install the belt. Oh and also by the way I have a buddy that has changed 9 engines on all Jeep Cherokees. The engine on those things are not reliable. This might make your decision easier. Best of luck!!
2008-07-20 13:30:21 UTC
Most these belts are easy to change so u should be able to do it yourself there should be a belt routing diagram under the hood or in your oweners manual.Most of the tensioners u can just use wrench on or a3/8 or 1/2 wratchet on.If u don't want to do these it shouldn't hurt to drive it as long as it doesn't get hot.
2008-07-20 13:36:53 UTC
Before moving the vehicle pick stop places to let engine cool off. More than a half mile is enough to overheat and engine damage is likely. More than likely is an accident when your used to power brakes and they don't work.

If you haven't already, tap the brake a couple of times to exhaust the vacuum and get used to no power.

Belts are easily changed if you have done one before, but be prepared for bone deep cuts.

Nearly 50 years experience ASE certified mechanic retired......I have seen it all.
2008-07-20 11:05:23 UTC
If the engine sits towards the fron of the vehicle, it's pretty easy to do. Should be a routing diagram somewhere on the front of the engine area. As for a tool, most are made where a box end wrench will work
2008-07-20 01:44:54 UTC
That is a belt you could probably do your self. The routing for the belt should be on the radiator shroud (unless it came off). With no belt the water pump isn't turning and will overheat the engine very rapidly. I don't know if I would chance driving it.
brad m
2008-07-20 09:58:29 UTC
you can do it theres a diagram under the hood

of how the belts goes get a wrench and take the belt off and put the new one on it will take you longer the find the right wrench and or socket than it will to actually change the belt and will save you lots of money belt 20 - 50 dollars take it to the shop 100 - 150 or more

doing it yourself and learning priceless?
2008-07-20 16:35:01 UTC
If it is only one mile to service station, drive the car while it is cold, DO Not let the Motor heat up or you could run into allot of much more serious nasty problems, like blown head gasket. If it is further than one mile i do not recommend this action. the likely hood of over heating increases every second. So don't waste any time, start the car and get their fast before the motor has time to over heat.
2008-07-20 00:37:02 UTC
Here's the problem - belts don't just snap for no reason. Now as a bunch of others have already said, it is very easy to change the belt, however you need to check the tensioner to make sure the belt is not loose. you also need to make sure the tensioner pulley is not locked up or wobbling and if the tensioner is good, you will need to check the idler pulley (next most likely cause), power steering pump and alternator for wobbling or binding. The AC compressor can also be a problem, however this will lock up more than wobble. Only start driving the vehicle once you are certain these are all good. Test them by hand before installing the belt by turning each one to see if it turns freely. When installing the belt, make sure the tensioner is holding it tight (you should not be able to pull it excessively by hand or flip the belt over, though about 45 degrees is OK). If all this checks out, run the car and observe the pullies to make sure they are not wobbling. Also listen for grinding or howling as this could be coming from the pulley bearings. If all this checks out, then it was likely just an old or damaged belt.
2008-07-20 08:26:52 UTC
i would suggest buying a new serpentine belt for your car because your jeep will not make it that long without the new belt and some tools to fit the new belt most jeep grand cherokee models can have broken belts for the long run.
2008-07-20 08:03:57 UTC
if its only a mile why not walk there and back would be smart and there and back about two hours less if you alk fast.... better than a blowen motor ...and putting it on thro tough is not that bad is a can do thing... what i tell will help when you start working the belt start at the bottom pulley work it left to right til you reach the point you have to use the tentioner it wil be tight...
Chris K
2008-07-20 18:57:31 UTC
is it the ac belt. yes engine will not over heat unless belt drives water pump but 1 mile wil not over heat still pay attentoin to gauge **** happens do not turn on ac to do yourself depends on your skills prety easy but some do well at some subjects than others any qs ask will help
ramon j
2008-07-20 15:02:27 UTC
do it yourself its easy your tensioner is a spring route your belt

on all other pulleys following the diagram that's under your hood and leave the tensioner last insert your rachet if it has a hole for rachet or your socket and pull your tensioner up and with the other hand insert your belt and release your tensioner and you are done buy the manual or go to local library and get a copy good luck
2008-07-20 11:01:13 UTC
it won't hurt to drive it and your right the steering will be harder but still not so bad it is unsafe. Usually you just need the square head on a 3/8" drive ratchet to release the tensioner. its a pretty easy job and not hard to figure out how the belt goes. there may already be a diagram on a label under the hood...........
2008-07-20 09:47:05 UTC
I agree its too risky to drive and changing the belts a cinch. if the auto parts store is that close catch a ride and buy the belt and a ratchet if you dont have one ask the clerk for the belt routing print out if they have them and you should ne able to get er done
2008-07-20 09:56:05 UTC
first of all no i wouldn't try the drive,second,

go to your local autoparts store and buy the belt,you shouldn't need a diagram it should be on the core support on the jeep,all you need to release tension is a 1/2 drive pull handle(breaker bar),it might take a couple of times to get it on right,but don't give up and keep trying, you'll get it.
steven l
2008-07-20 02:00:36 UTC
well, its not a big job and i think you can put on the belt yourself. but why did the belt break? normal wear and tear or is one of the pulley jammed. before you try to change the belt try to rotate all the pulleys and feel for any kind of binding in them.(do not attempt to rotate the main pulley, the one which rotates the will not turn) if everything is fine you can make an attempt to fix the new belt.. The rib side of the belt will be seated on the pulleys which are ribbed and the other side will be on the pulleys which are smooth. all the best. get back if you face any kind of problem.
2008-07-20 20:05:53 UTC
DONT BE SUCH A LITTLE BABY. EVEN A DRUNKING MONKEY WITH A GLASS EYE CAN CHANGE THAT! JUST LOOK AT THE TENSION PULLY ! its the ONLY one that doesnt have anything hooked up to it ! slap a socket rachet in the hole and turn! f u c kman it even has an arrow showing you what way to turn ! it almost changes itself ! just make sure to put the new one on the SAME WAY ! if it doesnt have a diagram sticker under the hood ! draw one !before talking it off ! simple as that !
2008-07-20 18:37:46 UTC
Yes and no. To be safe and have peace of mind, let a mechanic do. You don"t want to be somewhere far and have a belt go.
2008-07-20 05:26:04 UTC
We have expert answers, and my father also owns this vehicle so I'm somewhat familiar, actually I am his mechanic in the backyard too.

I would drive a mile no problem, without alternator or critical water pump.

If you're that concerned borrow a power inverter and plug it into the cigarette lighter socket after charging your battery.

Now strap a big household fan with bungie cords to the front of the vehicle, I'm not joking (I just strapped a gas tank in an emergency and that wasn't funny, in the event of collision).

Or throw a big bag of ice in front of the air conditioning condensor/rad assembly. Sounds weird, but I specailize in improvisations, and watched the TV show MacGyver!
2008-07-19 21:32:19 UTC
The belt is very simple to install. A breaker bar with a 1/2 drive and the proper socket would do it. The tensioner tool is just a socket on a long handle.

Run the belt around all the pulleys exactly like the diagram. Pull the tensioner pulley upward and slip the belt under it. If you can get an extra pair of hands it might make the job easier, but I have changed many without help.

I always lay the belt on my driveway in the sun, stretched out for several minutes before installing it. The belt is more pliable when warmed a bit and easier to work.

I would not attempt to drive the car without the belt. The power steering, brake booster, alternator, etc. all are driven by this belt. It's such a simple job, why take the chance ?
2008-07-19 22:51:30 UTC
Change the belt. It is easier than windows. Take a beaker bar, socket set and a set of wrenches. Look under the hood for a diagram and follow the diagram exactly. You could do it. After your done make sure all the accessories are turning and all your gauges register correctly. Drive it to gas station and get some gas before the price goes up again and then go off-roading.
It All Matters.~☺♥
2008-07-20 08:52:06 UTC
Look for a mobile mechanic. You can look in the phone book or on line.
2008-07-19 21:48:23 UTC
If the engine is cold , you can drive it one mile without a problem.

The non mechanics here and shade trees will tell you a lot of things, but you could damage the radiator trying to put it on yourself. If you try it , be careful, some of these cars require a special tool and yours may. especially if there is limited space to get your hand and wrench on the adjuster.
2008-07-20 06:32:09 UTC
if you drive that you will pay more than $85.00 Walk hitch hike take a taxi ride a bus, but do not drive it.

That would be dumb. Other car without the serpantine belt cant be operated with out the fan turning. Ride a bycicle, do not drive it.
2008-07-20 18:49:13 UTC
yu shoold first drain all thu oil out it and then rev the moter up real high asnd dump it in gear and drive like crazy before taking it to the gettin fix place
Bob H
2008-07-20 10:27:23 UTC
1 m. takes 15 minutes to walk. When you get the belt just put the flat side to the flat pulleys and the tooth side to the tooth pulley.
Matt C
2008-07-20 14:07:41 UTC
Just get a friend and a tow strap and pull the car there yourself, it's not that far.
2008-07-20 15:36:35 UTC
go to auto-zone or other auto parts place or order on line can be mailed next day delivery and cheaper the a station
Robert B
2008-07-20 12:25:12 UTC
just get it and put it on yourself.the belys no more than 50 and you should only need a ratchet for the tensioner.
2008-07-20 11:26:15 UTC
2008-07-19 21:58:29 UTC
save yourself some money and do it yourself....belts are not that not sayin there easy but you can do it...get a tensioner and a new belt and do it in your driveway and get a buddy to help can drive it but like everyone else is risky and do it very dont want to cause more damage ultimately costing you more money...good luck man
rodolfo l
2008-07-19 22:58:09 UTC
Let the mechanic help you to change the broken serpentine belt for proper set-up and with good workmanship.
what u talkin' bout?
2008-07-20 07:44:08 UTC
The serpentine belt is the main belt that runs pretty much everything in your vehicle. They are also very expensive to replace.
2008-07-20 02:44:08 UTC
either way your gona pay make up your mind and just do it buy the belt ge t some tools and change it
2008-07-19 23:56:27 UTC
it's very easy usually there is a diagram when u open the hood all u half to do is follow it don't forget to take the tension off the tension when u install or call your nearest auto parts store they should help good luck
2008-07-20 09:47:12 UTC
2008-07-19 22:01:11 UTC
it is a easy job there is usually a diagram sticker under the hood. a wrench on the tensioner and follow the diagram.

most mechanics just want your money. they are right there with used car sales men.
2008-07-20 18:11:13 UTC
,,,driving it for 5 min or less will not hurt...make sure you are full of coolant and drive,,,if u ask here you should not DIY
2008-07-20 05:58:42 UTC
that is the esayist part to fix on a car,just buy two one for the car and the other for if it brakes agine
2008-07-19 21:52:41 UTC
one mile is fine, do not accelerate hard (excessive heat), and watch the temp gage or light. Just don't over heat it.

and I agree the brake will behave different and it will steer hard. Just be careful
dodge man
2008-07-19 21:27:11 UTC
its possible but i would really not try it,i have drove one father than that before,but that's chancing it,usually a car wont even heat up in a mile or less,but it running without a belt will be risky,if you do this, do it fast,you don't want it to get hot,good luck.
2008-07-20 02:02:39 UTC
put panty hose around the the most important pulleys

watter pump and harmonic balancer

the advantage to hose is that you can tie it or stretch it and have a safe trip
2008-07-20 00:05:50 UTC
Drive it to the station.
Mr. KnowItAll
2008-07-19 21:24:31 UTC
Oh god....!

Don't drive it!!! $3000.00 for a new enigne.

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