Hey everyone, I am 16 years old and not too smart with cars a such, but I have a 1996 Chevy Corsica with incredibly low miles at 60000, and I have owned it for 2 months now. So, it ran great for a while until just when I got my license. I hadn;t been driving it a lot before then and i got my license 5 days ago. First day with my license after going over a hill i stalled at the red light at the end of the hill. What I did was I put it in park and started it back up and there we go all set and i continued on. Next day i drove around fine and i thought it was a one time thing. 2 days after i go over that same hill and stall again. Weird I know but it starts back up. Well then a few hours later on my way home from school I stalled again, but this time my car wouldn't start back up, so I pushed and pulled over to the side of the road. This is what I realized at that time though, the car would be heated up to a normal temp when it stalled, not over heating, then it would not start up until cooled down completely so what I did was i waiting and started it back up to continue my journey home until it warmed up once again and stalled at a Mcdonalds thankfully. So I then waited for my father to come get me and he drove it while i drove his car and it stalled once again on the way to the mechanics once again after it heated up not starting until it cooled down. Mechanic calls today and says there were no codes that came up on the 10,000 dollar machine he used to test it, so what is wrong I ask? Please someone help me, I appreciate your time thank you!