2010-03-16 07:14:20 UTC
On my way to work last night, the "Service Engine Soon" light illuminated on my dashboard. I was sort of concerned but was also kind of low on fuel, so I pulled into the nearest gas station and put $20 worth into the tank, just in case that had something to do with it (I know the "service engine light" can be something as ridiculous as that sometimes). After I started the car back up, it seemed to disappear until a good ways down the road when it came back on. It didn't seem to exhibit any other signs or symptoms of worry though, and the light didn't come back on at all on my way home from work. Just on the way there. But I'm still obviously concerned. I took it to Jiffy Lube today in case it was something to do with one of the fluids (maybe oil needed changed, some other fluid topped off, etc.) and got the oil changed and everything.
The "service engine light" has not come back on between a trip to Jiffy Lube and running a few other errands today, but the technicians at Jiffy Lube mentioned that I had "either an oil or transmission leak," but they couldn't determine which one it was because both are so dark. Could this be related to the light appearing on my dashboard yesterday? And if so, will it be costly to fix? Is there anything I can do to make any repairs done to the vehicle as cheap as possible? I'm broke as a joke. :(
I will appreciate any information anyone can provide. Thank you!