If you do a little research you will find that most cars these days come from the factory with Maintenance Free battery's.
These are much easier than the old types where you had to add water/electrolyte to them. Most of them have a little window on top of the battery it's self that if you look into it and it is green then your battery is good, the little ball inside the window is red then it needs replacement.
Car battery's have come a long ways over the years, and technology in battery design has made leaps and bounds.
I would suggest a buying an Optima brand battery. They are sealed battery's and can be mounted in any position and fit most any applications, never need anything added to them,always maintenance free.
They do cost a few dollars more, but would you rather pay for a good battery once, or buy a few not so good ones.
Their different than any other battery because of the spiral
cell design. Don't take my word for it, just do some searching on the web for Optima battery's.
I have one in every vehicle I own, and they have never left me stranded.