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RE :HELP! With Small Claims Case Against BAD Auto Mechanic?
Hello. I am in the process of filing a claim against an auto mechanic that 3+ times has failed to fix a problem with our vehicle, did work without our permission, each time we went to get the vehicle something was still wrong with it, anyway, we have paid over $1,700 in repairs (to both them and another dealer/mechanic that had to fix their mess up). I know in the state of Indiana you can sue for up to $6,000 in small claims court, but how much am I actually able to sue for? I have actual damages of approx $1700.00, but I also want to try and recoop other monies for puntitive damages, work they should have done and didn't, work they did and messed up more stuff, I had to borrow a different car to get to and from work, etc. Am I able to sue for puntitive (or another type) of damages, or can I only sue for what I have actually paid out? THANKS!
Update: I cannot afford an attorney!!! I have paid out all our $$ to the friggin mechanic! I honestly can't and I don't know of any attorneys around here willing to give free advise.
Update 2: Please understand that I am NOT wanting to sue for $6,000!!!! I am just trying to understand what I am able to sue for. I do think that he should have to re-imburse me some for all of the times I have had to go back and forth to the shop to get the car repaired, the story is very long, but lets just say EVERY TIME I/my husband went to get our car, within 2-3 miles it was acting up again with the check engine light on. They did work without even letting us know they were doing it. I just want them to have to pay a little bit, above and beyond what we have paid out, as a penalty, so they can learn from their "mistakes" (4 times isn't a mistake, it's incompetence!!!)
Update 3: You're not completely understanding!!!! They did the repairs, didn't put them in writing! and told us about it after the fact!!!
Update 4: I have filed a complaint with the BBB, they had no other complaints, but they have had 3 other law suits against them. I wish I could explain everything they have done, it's truely unbelievable!! I do have documentation from the 2nd shop I went to (a GM dealer) that states that the 1st shop didn't do a few things correctly, I have tons and tons of documentation! I even have the hoses that they shoddy shop made YES MADE to "save money" (which we never said) that are actually drainage hoses and not radiator/coolant hoses or factory stock. This car has new head gaskets (we think) manifold sets, valve cover gaskets, intake gaskets, heater hose fittings and anti freeze, only thing is, the anti freeze lasted 3 days until it blew all under the hood! Come to find out (today) the thermostat was bad. Now, all you mechanics out there, if a car is consistantly overheating what would be the first thing you check? YEP, THE THERMOSTAT! The shoddy shop NEVER did!
Update 5: One more thing to add.....I just spoke with a local pro bono atty organization, she stated that my case is suited for small claims (which I was going to do in the first place), so I am going to file and process everything myself and will only be asking for the amount paid in "repairs" or supposed repairs for the car. Thanks!
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