1 of 2 problems. First its that you have something conitnuing to use power even though the car is turned off! This is most likely, -- second would be that the battery is getting sulphated up, sulphate inside has accumulated so deep that it is shorting out cells! Natural deterioration causes lead sulphate --( lead and sulpheric acid residue)!!
Now again the most likely problem is that it is using power and running the battery down. Do you have a power amplifier, add on theft alarm, CB,CD player or any of that kind of sutff? Is it all wired into circuits that turn olff with the ignition switch?? Also check to see that the interior light is not operating bacasue the "dash dimmer control" is turned to "max" and is keeping interior lights turned on,-- most cars are wired up that way! If you pull one battery terminal connector off, and "rake" it on post, (in subdued light) , - it will make visible spark, the bigger the spark the bigger the "draw" is! A very tiny spark is normal, as clock and some other things draw power all the time, but it is a very small amount! leave cable disconnected over weekend, and see if it is still "hot" and cranks good, --- another proof it is "sucking battery dry" from something in car! --- I the battery has no power to crank -- then the battery is bad!
Simplest of testers is to connect a fairly large (12 volt) light between cable and battery, if light burns bright, start pulling fuses and checking to see stuff is turned off, -- or disconnecting direct stuff wired in after car was purchased! When the light gets dimmer, you have found something, - if it goes entierely out, or you can just see a little orange on filiament, you have all the offending things out of circuit! Make sure everything that you unhooked unplugged or pulled fuses from is back in order, then find place to put stuff left to somewhere that is controlled by ingnition switch !
Now from time to time, an alternator will get a leaky diode in it and draw power also, so if you can't find any obvious problem, try removing plugs going in, and the "big" red cable connection on back of alt, -- (be very carfeful removing), ---better to have battery disconnected, add tape or cover so it does not short out while moving stuff around! If this turns out the light, then you need to have alt. fixed, or put on another one!