2011-10-11 17:50:35 UTC
the problem began showing up 4 days ago when I stopped at a red light, the engine suddenly shutted off and couldn't be started. had to push it off the street and sat there for 10 minutes finally got it started again. After this incident, the car was instantly changed into a "sick old man". I called the guy who sold it to me, he said that's probablly because I filled the car with bad gas..... Just out of safty concerns I had it towed to the Firestone yesterday after it shutted off again right in the middle of an intersaction and almost got hit..... but when I went there this afternoon, I was told everything works fine except the PCM and I'm gonna have to replace it at a GM dealer......
tow fee + taxi + diagnosis = $220 already and did even get a **** done to my car!!! I called dealer they say they do their own diagnosis before replace PCM and that's gonna be another $ a new PCM....I was told it might cost me around $700 to get it done and doesn't guarantee to solve the problems.... I'm just having a hard time to trust these guys and I really don't have that much money to throw away like that.......
I will list all the problems & the diagnosis from Firestone down below, NEED HELP from PRO mechanics or anyone had similar problems before IMMEDIATELY!!
1. hard to start the car, have to pat the gas a lil' bit and try 5-10 times to get it started.
2. engine always raws deeply while sliding or at stops without even touch the gas pedal, sounds like warming up for a race.
3. engine constantly gives hiccups, especially when letting go of the gas pedal at a speed higher than 40m/h.
4. engine coonstantly stalls at low rotational speed while sliding or at stops.
5. engine stalls whenever I shift gears from D to R or shift backwards.
6. exhaust smells like it contains high level uncombusted fuel.
Firestone diagnosis
PCM sets multiple codes:21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 31, 43.
TPS has normal closed throttle voltage when the codes set, 0.45v.
fuel presure = good at 41 PSI
TPS good
cleaned idle air control solenoid verified PCM ground
faulty PCM, recommend dealer to repair veh PCM
I don't know anything about cars, but it seems that they only tested the PCM and TPS on that report?? Did they even check the engine cylinders and the transmission??? IDK.... need directions!! much appreciated!!!