I hit a car in a parking lot when backing out over a year ago. I knocked on the door of the apartment and tried to find who owned the car. I left my name and phone number with a roommate of the guy who owned the car. We talked on the phone the next day and I asked him to get a quote of how much the repairs would cost. I did not know if I wanted to get my insurance involved or not. I never heard back from him. Now over a year later his mom called saying that she just found my information and wanted to get the car fixed. Am I still liable for this after so much time has gone by? I was willing to pay for the repairs when it happened but now it does not seem fair to bring it up so far from when it happened. Is there a set time that contact has to be made and repairs done in a case like this or can they really just call you years later and decide that they want a small dent fixed, which will be a huge cost for me because I am only a college student.