2013-10-24 10:32:19 UTC
Now when I try to start the car the starter just clicks, gauge lights flicker on and off in sync with the starter clicking. It does this while trying to jump start, and also when I swapped my battery out with my other car's battery.
Also, randomly throughout jumping, new battery, and with my battery, every once in a while the car would NOT click, it would actually try to start but VERY slowly, all lights dimmed and it was the slowest turning over I've ever seen. Then next try it's just clicking. -.-
I tried bridging the solenoid terminals and got nothing. No sparks, no motor spinning.
Any ideas here? Just curious if it is a bad starter solenoid or a bad ground somewhere...
I also have a meter to check voltage etc. so if told what wires to check for correct voltage I can do that as well. (I just don't really know how the power/ grounding works with a starter)
This is on a 93 Cadillac Fleetwood 5.7L RWD.