2014-01-01 18:41:51 UTC
Well today I got the same thing happened again three times. First, I was on the street going about 30 when all of sudden I noticed the car wasn't getting any gas. The RPM needle was not going up and then the car engine stopped which then meant I had no power steering and power brakes. I pulled over to the side and then tried again. The engine did the same thing, it turned on but car did get back past 1k RPM and I pressed the gas pedal and nothing. I waited about 2 minutes, turned the key and the car started up nicely. Continue to drive and went straight home.
The other two times I was going down the highway about 75 when the car started to coast. I pressed the gas pedal and nothing. The car just started to slow down so I pulled over. I still had power steering and power brakes because the engine still had some RPM when I looked but as I got closer to the shoulder the engine stopped and it got hard to steer and brake. So I waited about 2 minutes and the car started fine and I got off the next exit and made a u-turn home. Then it happened again. Same issue.
At first I thought it could be something wrong with fuel filter or pump but not sure. I thought battery or alternator but not sure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated that could point me in the right direction.